Dear St. Jane Frances de Chantal Community,
Good evening and happy 3rd Sunday of Advent! This week’s readings focus on joy – we are reminded that the coming of Jesus is rapidly approaching. Looking ahead, here is what is coming up:·As a Christmas gift, tomorrow, December 18, is an all school Pajama Day. For safety reasons, please wear your tennis shoes. · Onward Readers testing is finishing this week. This help to inform the teachers on what they focus on in reading. ·You are welcome to join us in our last Advent prayer service of the year during morning prayer & announcements. ·Thank you for supporting Santa’s Workshop! $4,935.54 was raised & will support teacher technology in the classroom. ·Thanks for donating 50 cents via the Kindness Club to provide bears. As a community, we purchased 100 bears that were given to the sheriff’s station. With your help, kids in trauma will be comforted. ·We are still in need of Dads to volunteer for a project this week. Please see Mrs. Whited for more details. · 12 Days of Christmas continues this week! ·Join us for Christmas Mass on 12/24 @ 6:30 PM. All are welcome! ·Lastly, Thursday, December 21 is the Christmas Program. Students need to arrive in their classrooms at 5:30 PM. The program will start at 6 PM. We hope to see you there! Saints of the Week/Feast Days:·12/18 – Blessed Anthony Grassi ·12/19 – Blessed Pope Urban V ·12/20 – Saint Dominic of Silos ·12/21 – Saint Peter Canisius ·12/22 – Blessed Jacopone da Todi ·12/23 – Saint John of Kanty ·12/24 – Christmas at Greccio ·12/25 – Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas!) (If you click on the calendar link, there are biographies of each saint/feast day: School Events:12/11-21 – 12 Days of Christmas 12/19 – Reconciliation 12/21 – Early Dismissal (12:40 PM; 8th Grade Fundraiser); No After School; Christmas Program (5:30 PM Student Arrival, 6 PM Start) 1/8/2018 – Back to School; Epiphany God bless,Mrs. Reyes Dear St. Jane Frances de Chantal Community,
Good morning and happy 2nd Sunday of Advent! This week’s readings focus is on peace – we are called to pray for it in our families, our workplace and in everywhere we walk. Looking ahead, here is what is coming up:·We are excited to welcome students and families back tomorrow. School is in session Monday. · ACRE testing & Onward Readers testing continues this week. Both assessments help to inform the teachers on what they focus on in religion and in reading. ·The school’s Advent prayer service continues during the Mondays in Advent. You are welcome to join us for morning prayer & announcements. · Santa’s Workshop is extended for this Monday & Tuesday. ·We need a dozen Dads to volunteer for a project this December. Please see Mrs. Whited for more details. · 12 Days of Christmas will kick off this Monday due to last week’s shortened week. Wednesday-Friday’s activities will be a part of the festivities. Saints of the Week/Feast Days:·12/11 – Saint Damasus I ·12/12 – Our Lady of Guadalupe ·12/13 – Saint Lucy ·12/14 – Saint John of the Cross ·12/15 – Blessed Mary Frances Schervier ·12/16 – Blessed Honoratus Kozminski ·12/17 – Saint Hildegard of Bingen (If you click on the calendar link, there are biographies of each saint/feast day: School Events:12/11-15 – ACRE Testing 12/11-12 – Santa’s Workshop 12/11-21 – 12 Days of Christmas 12/13 – First Communion Meeting (6 PM) 12/21 – Early Dismissal (12:40 PM); No After School; Christmas Program (5:30 PM Student Arrival, 6 PM Start) 1/8/2018 – Back to School; Epiphany God bless,Mrs. Reyes Dear St. Jane Frances de Chantal School Community,
Happy Advent and the start of a new liturgical year! This week’s readings focuses on hope – we are all called to prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus. Looking ahead, here is what is coming up: · You are invited to join us on the Mondays of Advent for morning prayer and announcements. We will have a Advent prayer service together as a community. This will be through the month of December. · Santa’s Workshop is from Tuesday-Thursday. Teachers will be taking their classes to shop downstairs. Thank you for your support! · Kindness Club is collecting 50 cents to purchase teddy bears. These teddy bears will be taken to the sheriff station and will be a source of comfort for kids that go through trauma. · This year we are going through WCEA WASC accreditation. The purpose of these visits is to plan on how to make St. Jane Frances’ better, as well as to celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of the school. Our first visit is this Tuesday. · There are a couple assessments happening this month: ACRE testing & Onward Readers testing. This week is ACRE testing, which highlights the knowledge of faith at our school. 5th & 8th grade takes this test. As for Onward Readers, K-8th grade will be taking a fluency test, which sees how students read. Both tests help to inform the teachers on what material they focus on in class. · 12 Days of Christmas – Join the school as we participate in 12 days of Christmas events! If you would like to participate in all of the fun, it is $12. (5th grade can pay $10 as part of their Gobble Gobble Award.) · Toys for Tots is starting soon! · Thursday, 12/21 is the last day of school before Christmas break. It is a minimum day and there will be no after school that day. Please make sure to pick up your child(ren) on time. Later that night will be the Christmas Program. Enjoy a night of carols and songs! · New VIRTUS dates will be coming in January. Saints of the Week/Feast Days: • 12/4 - Saint John Damascene • 12/5 - Saint Sabas • 12/6 - Saint Nicholas • 12/7 - Saint Ambrose • 12/8 – Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception • 12/9 - Saint Juan Diego • 12/10 - Blessed Adolph Kolping (If you click the calendar link, there are biographies of each saint/feast day: ) School Events: • 12/4-8 – ACRE Testing • 12/5-7 – Santa’s Workshop • 12/5 – WASC Visit • 12/6-21 – 12 Days of Christmas • 12/6 – First Communion Meeting (6 PM) • 12/10 – Family Mass (No Breakfast) (9 AM) • 12/21 – Early Dismissal (12:40 PM); No After School; Christmas Program (6:30 PM) • 1/8/2018 – Back to School God bless, Mrs. Bev Reyes Principal |
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December 2024
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