Dear St. Jane Frances de Chantal School Community,
Happy 2nd Sunday of Lent! Today’s Gospel talks about the Transfiguration, where Jesus brought some of his disciples up a mountain. During that time, Jesus changed in clothing, spoke to two prophets that appeared and God spoke aloud, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” Take a moment to retreat with this short reflection video by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Looking ahead, here is what is coming up/notes for you:• Jog-a-thon – Tuesday, 2/27 is almost here! Please have your child come in P.E. clothes & bring a bottled water with their name on it . Lunch time food will be sold for $1 & $5 until sold out. If you would like to cheer your child on that day, please sign in with the office that morning. Proceeds will go towards purchasing the new gate buzzers for increased school safety . • Movie Night – Our Movie Night sign-ups are extended to tomorrow. Parents get a free service hour for attending. We would love to see everyone there at our community event! See flyer for details. • Menchie’s – Menchie’s frozen yogurt is coming to St. Jane’s this Friday after school! 25% of the proceeds will be donated to the school. • Carnival purchases – $65Carnival tickets & $50 to help with purchasing carnival items are due by March 9. If you haven’t picked up your tickets, please do so ASAP. • Carnival security – Sign-ups to volunteer for carnival security is with Mrs. Roumbus from 7AM-2:40 PM Monday-Thursday starting March 5. This will be up until it is filled. Thank you to all parents who helped with previous carnival security, especially Mr.Cabil. • Annie – Tryout sign-ups for our school musical, Annie, will continue until Feb. 28 outside of Kindergarten’s classroom. The production will take place in June. Saints of the Week/Feast Days:• 2/25 - Blessed Sebastian of Aparicio • 2/26 – Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin • 2/27 - Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows • 2/28 – Blessed Daniel Brottier • 3/1 – Saint David of Wales • 3/2 – Saint Agnes of Bohemia • 3/3 – Saint Katherine Drexel (If you click the calendar link, there are biographies of each saint/feast day: ) School Events:• 2/27 – Jog-a-thon (Proceeds go to purchase new gate buzzers) • 2/28 – 8th Grade Pictures • 3/1 – Stations of the Cross (every Thursday in Lent at 9 AM) • 3/2 – Menchie’s fundraiser (after school); Movie Night • 3/8 – Jump Rope for Heart (with the American Heart Association) • 3/9 – Trimester II Ends; Student of the Month; Gate Buzzers Fundraiser (Pizza/Corn after school) • 3/10 – 1st Communion Retreat (9:30 AM-12:30 PM) • 3/11– Daylight Savings; Family Mass/Breakfast (sponsored by 3rd & 4th grade); Academic Decathlon God bless,Mrs. Bev Reyes Principal Dear St. Jane Frances de Chantal School Community,
Last week you may have heard of the terrible tragedy that occurred in Florida. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families that are hurting. We at St. Jane Frances know how vital it is to keep our students safe at school as well as that they know they are cared for in Christ’s love. Our school has safety procedures and drills that are practiced, such as earthquakes, lockdowns, & fires. The last PTO meeting highlighted child development, bullying, & supporting student growth. There are Teaching Touching Safety classes that teach students about personal safety and internet safety. This week, we are hosting anti-bullying assemblies for K-8th grades. The school is also in the middle of purchasing gate buzzers for increased school safety. Below are some article resources for parents that can be helpful: Healthy Children: Child Mind Institute Looking ahead, here is what is coming up/notes for you:• Lent – Lent is a time to reflect on where we are in our relationship with God and how we can grow closer in our faith. It’s a time of prayer, almsgiving (giving to the poor), and fasting. Here’s an article from Our Sunday Visitor: • Jog-a-thon – Save the date: Tuesday, 2/27 is our upcoming Jog-a-thon! It is $20 per family – money & permission slip turned into the homeroom teacher. Proceeds go to purchasing the new gate buzzers for increased school safety. • Carnival – Carnival sign-ups are available 1/30-3/30 before and after school Monday-Thursday. On Fridays, the office has the sign-up sheets, which parent schedule changes can take place. Thank you for your support! • Annie – Tryout sign-ups for the musical, Annie, will continue until Feb. 28 outside of Kindergarten’s classroom. The production will take place in June. Saints of the Week/Feast Days: • 2/18 - Blessed John of Fiesole • 2/19 – Saint Conrad of Piacenza • 2/20 - Saints Jacinta & Francisco Marto • 2/21 – Saint Peter Damian • 2/22 – Chair of Saint Peter • 2/23 – Saint Polycarp • 2/24 – Blessed Luke Belludi (If you click the calendar link, there are biographies of each saint/feast day: ) School Events:• 2/20-23 – Onward Readers Teacher Professional Development • 2/21 – Power of One (Anti-bullying assemblies for K-8th grade) • 2/22 – Stations of the Cross (every Thursday in Lent at 9 AM) • 2/23 – Student of the Month • 2/27 – Jog-a-thon (Proceeds go to purchase new gate buzzers) • 2/28 – 8th Grade Pictures • 3/8 – Jump Rope for Heart (with the American Heart Association) • 3/9 – Trimester II Ends; Student of the Month; Gate Buzzers Fundraiser (Pizza/Corn after school) • 3/10 – 1st Communion Retreat (9:30 AM-12:30 PM) • 3/11– Daylight Savings; Family Mass/Breakfast (sponsored by 3rd & 4th grade); Academic Decathlon God bless,Mrs. Bev Reyes Principal Dear St. Jane Frances de Chantal School Community,
Last week we had a fantastic WASC accreditation visit! Thank youto Fr. Antonio, all of the staff, students, and parents that supportedus as we work towards continuous improvement. More informationwill be sent in the months to come about how we will continue togrow in God's goodness. Looking ahead, here is what is coming up/notes for you: o New gate buzzers - We are raising funds for purchasingbuzzers/cameras for both school gates. This will increase safety byallowing the office to see incoming visitors and buzz them into theschool property through the front office gates, as well as theparish parking lot. If you would like to donate or learn more about it, please talk to the office. o Jog-a-thon - Save the date: Tuesday, 2/27 is our upcoming Jog-a-thon! It is $20 per family - money & permission slip turned intothe homeroom teacher. Proceeds go to purchasing the new gatebuzzers for increased school safety. o Carnival - Carnival sign-ups are available 1/30-3/30 before andafter school Monday-Thursday. On Fridays, the office has the sign-up sheets, which parent schedule changes can take place. Thankyou for your support! o Donation art letter - see attached about the art donation that wereceived to begin the process of making ceramics andprintmaking, as well as how to volunteer time/donate. o Annie - Tryout sign-ups for the musical, Annie, will start thisMonday Feb. 12-Feb. 28 outside of Kindergarten's classroom.Letters will go home this week with more information. The production will take place in June. Saints of the Week/Feast Days: o 2/11 - Our Lady of Lourdes o 2/12 - Saint Apollonia o 2/13 - Saint Giles Mary of Saint Joseph o 2/14 - Saint Valentine; Saints Cyril & Methodius o 2/15 - Saint Claude de la Colombiere o 2/16 - Saint Gilbert of Sempringham o 2/17 - Seven Founders of the Servite Order (If you click the calendar link, there are biographies of eachsaint/feast day: ) School Events: o 2/5-9 - STAR Testing o 2/12 - Class Parties (Mardi Gras/Valentine's Day) o 2/13 - Ash Wednesday, Valentine's Day; All School Mass o 2/15 - Stations of the Cross (every Thursday in Lent at 9 AM) o 2/16 - No School (WCEA/WASC) o 2/19 - No School (Presidents' Day) o 2/20-23 - Onward Readers Teacher Professional Development o 2/21 - Power of One (Anti-bullying assemblies for K-8th grade) o 2/23 - Student of the Month o 2/27 - Jog-a-thon (Proceeds go to purchase new gate buzzers) o 2/28 - 8th Grade Pictures God bless, Mrs. Bev Reyes Principal Dear St. Jane Frances de Chantal Community,
Good evening! As a reminder, come and join us at Family Mass this Sunday at 9 AM. The Family Breakfast is postponed until next month. Have a blessed weekend, Mrs. Reyes Dear St. Jane Frances de Chantal School Community,
We have an exciting week ahead! This is the 3rd STAR testing window of the year, which will help teachers support students in their early literacy, reading and math growth. Also, Teaching Touching Safety, which promotes personal student safety, will be taught in grades K-8 with an added component of internet safety. This will take place within a 2-week time frame. Furthermore, on Tuesday, 2/6, we welcome our WASC Visiting Committee for a 3-day visit of our accreditation process. We will introduce them to the student body during morning assembly. Prior to their arrival, they spent time getting to know our school through last month’s pre-visit and the staff’s preparations. Throughout the day, the Visiting Committee will visit classes and meet with stakeholders (which includes Fr. Antonio, Leadership Team, staff, students, the PTO Board and Room Parents). The purpose of the visit is to celebrate what our school does well and what we need to improve on. Thank you to the staff for all of their WASC preparation, as well as the Room Parents for taking care of breakfast. (Reminder: breakfast items can be turned in during the Room Parent Meeting tomorrow!) Looking ahead, here is what is coming up/notes for you:• New gate buzzers – We are working on purchasing buzzers/cameras for both school gates. This will increase safety by allowing the office to see incoming visitors and buzz them into the school property through the front office gates, as well as the parish parking lot. If you would like to donate or learn more about it, please talk to the office. • Class Mardi Gras/Valentine’s Day Party –2/14, Valentine’s Day is Ash Wednesday and is the start of Lent. We will be celebrating that day with an All School Mass. Therefore, please be on the look out for information from your room parent. Class parties will be celebrated on Tuesday, 2/13. • Jog-a-thon – Save the date: Tuesday, 2/27 is our upcoming Jog-a-thon! It is $20 per family to participate. Flyers will be sent out this week. • Carnival – Our school carnival is 4/13-15. On Monday, carnival tickets will be sent home.Parents must sign out the tickets in the classroom with the teacher. Also, the $50 for FOOD per family and $65 for the RIDE tickets ($115 in total) are due by March 9th. Lastly, carnival sign-ups are available 1/30-3/30 before and after school Monday-Thursday. On Fridays, the office has the sign-up sheets, which parent schedule changes can take place. Thank you for your support! • Facebook – We have a new school Facebook site! Come and like our site: Saints of the Week/Feast Days:• 2/4 - Saint Joseph of Leonissa • 2/5 – Saint Agatha • 2/6 - Saint Paul Miki & Companions • 2/7 – Saint Colette • 2/8 – Saint Josephine Bakhita • 2/9 – Saint Jerome Emiliani • 2/10 - Saint Scholastica (If you click the calendar link, there are biographies of each saint/feast day: ) School Events:• 2/5-9 – STAR Testing • 2/6-8 – WASC Accreditation Visit • 2/9 – No School (Teacher Professional Development) • 2/11 – Family Mass @ 9 AM • 2/13 – Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day • 2/15 – Stations of the Cross • 2/16 – No School (WCEA/WASC) • 2/19 – No School (Presidents’ Day) God bless,Mrs. Bev Reyes Principal |
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