Dear St. Jane Frances de Chantal School Community,
Welcome to the 5th Sunday of Lent. Next week will be the start of Holy Week. Today’s Gospel reflects on John’s version of the agony in the garden. Let us take the time to remember our struggles and how God walks with us in our difficulties. He calls us to come closer to his heart. Here is a short reflection video by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Our school is blessed to have such caring and concerned families. The staff of St. Jane Frances de Chantal take parent and student concerns seriously. They are dealt with the utmost care and privacy for all those that are involved. If you have any concerns, our protocol is to go to the teacher or staff member first. If need be, the next person to contact is the principal, and lastly, the pastor. As we work together for the sake of our students, let us remember to keep a spirit of faith and prayer. Looking ahead, here is what is coming up/notes for you:• Carnival Security – Carnival security hours are in blocks of 4 hours. If you signed up for less hours, please see Mrs. Roumbos. • Carnival Information – If you have a business & would like to rent space, please call the office. Wristbands will be sold in the office starting Monday, March 12. • Carnival Hours - This is the last opportunity to sign-ups for carnival volunteer hours. The sign-ups that are out are the only sign-up sheets that remain. If you need extra volunteer hours for the top portion of the service card, you may do so. • Kite Day – This Tuesday, March 20 is Kite Day. Grades 1st-8th grade can bring a kite that is ready to fly after lunch. Food will be sold at lunch for $1 (such as shaved ice & churros). Proceeds will pay for teacher professional development. • Report Cards – Report cards will be distributed on Tuesday, March 20. If you owe for carnival, must be paid before receiving the report card. • Emergency Evacuation Form – As part of our safety procedures, each student must turn in the emergency evacuation form. The form is needed so that we can practice different emergency drills by the end of the month. This form needs to be on file and given to the teacher by March 26. • No After School – Thursday, March 29 is a minimum day. There is no after school care on that day. • Yearbook Dedications – If you are an 8th grade parent or would like to create a student tribute, yearbook dedications are $100 by April. For more information, please see Ms. Rygiel or Mr. Ramirez. Saints of the Week/Feast Days:• 3/18 - Saint Cyril of Jerusalem • 3/19 – Saint Joseph • 3/20 - Saint Salvator of Horta • 3/21 – Blessed John of Parma • 3/22 – Saint Nicholas Owen • 3/23 – Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo • 3/24 – Blessed Oscar Romero (If you click the calendar link, there are biographies of each saint/feast day: ) School Events:• 3/20 – Report Cards out ; Kite Day (1st-8th Grade) • 3/22 – Stations of the Cross (9 AM in the Church) ; Jump Rope for Health (via American Red Cross) • 3/23 – Honor Roll Assembly (after mass @ 8:45 AM); Corn/Pizza Fundraiser; Choir Practice cancelled • 3/29 – Good Thursday; Living Stations; Minimum Day; NO AFTER SCHOOL THAT DAY. • 3/30-4/8 – Easter Break • 4/3-7 – Washington D.C. Trip (7th & 8th Graders) • 4/9 – No School (Teacher Professional Development) • 4/13-15 – Carnival (No School on the 13th) • 4/16 – No School (Carnival Clean-up) “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” – John 14:27May God’s peace be with you, especially in this season of Lent. God bless,Mrs. Bev Reyes Principal Comments are closed.
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